probe 12

Dataset details

  • Dataset name

    International Sign Language
  • Acronym

  • Owner

    Ronice Müller de Quadros & Christian Rathmann
  • Contact person(s)

    Ronice Müller de Quadros ( & Christian Rathmann (
  • Short description

    IntSL lexicon data linked to IntSL Corpus
  • Citation for database

    1. Citation for Signbank 2.0. Quadros, R. M. de.; Rathmann, C.; Soares Neto, F. F.; & Condé, S. Signbank 2.0. 2023.

    2. Citation for the database Rathmann, C. & Quadros, R. Signbank 2.0. International Sign Language. 2023.

    3. Citation for signers in database International Sign Language communities

  • Copyright statement

    Upon public release, a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International license will be applicable for its use.
  • Sign language

    International Sign Language (IntSL)
  • Number of glosses

    689 public glosses

  • Accessible to other people


  • Default language


  • Other language(s)

  • Manuals